Écho des Forêts

Health Benefits of Flax Linen Sheets

Avantages pour la santé des draps en lin

Les Européens utilisent des draps en lin depuis des décennies, car ils sont traditionnellement fabriqués dans la région. Continuez à lire pour découvrir pourquoi le lin est toujours un bon...

Avantages pour la santé des draps en lin

Les Européens utilisent des draps en lin depuis des décennies, car ils sont traditionnellement fabriqués dans la région. Continuez à lire pour découvrir pourquoi le lin est toujours un bon...

The 6 Benefits Of Using Hemp Shower Curtains At Home

Les 6 bénéfices d'utiliser un rideau de douche ...

Keep reading to discover the top benefits of using a hemp shower curtain at home this year.

Les 6 bénéfices d'utiliser un rideau de douche ...

Keep reading to discover the top benefits of using a hemp shower curtain at home this year.

Bamboo: A Sustainable, Eco-Friendly Plant for All Aspects of Eco Living

Bamboo: A Sustainable, Eco-Friendly Plant for A...

From flooring to biking, from paper to delicacies to housing & gardening, the positive environmental benefits of using bamboo are endless. This plant is as durable as it is eco...

Bamboo: A Sustainable, Eco-Friendly Plant for A...

From flooring to biking, from paper to delicacies to housing & gardening, the positive environmental benefits of using bamboo are endless. This plant is as durable as it is eco...

The Benefits of Essentials Oils for Quality Sleep

The Benefits of Essentials Oils for Quality Sleep

Essential oils are a great way to positivity impact not only the amount of sleep we get, but the quality of that sleep. Quality essential oils have been proven to...

The Benefits of Essentials Oils for Quality Sleep

Essential oils are a great way to positivity impact not only the amount of sleep we get, but the quality of that sleep. Quality essential oils have been proven to...

What the Pandemic Is Telling Us About the Need for Safe,  Healthy and Eco-Sustainable Homes?

What the Pandemic Is Telling Us About the Need ...

One of the positive impact of the COVID-19 pandemic is that it is forcing us to find safer and smarter ways of building homes and offices. Here are few steps...

What the Pandemic Is Telling Us About the Need ...

One of the positive impact of the COVID-19 pandemic is that it is forcing us to find safer and smarter ways of building homes and offices. Here are few steps...

How will you enjoy confinement this week-end?

How will you enjoy confinement this week-end?

The last few weeks have been long for many of us. We are not use to confinement, aren't we? Well, with a little bit of research and creativity, we can...

How will you enjoy confinement this week-end?

The last few weeks have been long for many of us. We are not use to confinement, aren't we? Well, with a little bit of research and creativity, we can...